06/11 입트영 - Action Heroes / 액션 히어로

[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

  1. Do you enjoy action hero movies? Why or why not?

  2. How are comic books different from movies? How are they similar?

  3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?


Talk about your favorite action hero.

본인이 가장 좋아하는 액션 히어로왜 대해 이야기해 주세요.


My favorite action hero is Captain America. He is very strong, and he is an inspiration. He is also very good-looking and has a good heart. He also has great leadership skills. I really like how he defeats all the bad guys at the end. I know that he is a fictional character, but I think it would be great if he existed in real life. He could make the world a better place to live in.


내가 가장 좋아하는 액션 허어로는 캡틴 아에리카다. 그는 힘이 매우 세고, 좋은 영감을 준다. 외모도 출중하고 마음이 선하다. 그리고 리더십이 뛰어나다. 마지막에 나쁜 놈들을 다 물리치는 모습이 정말 마음에 든다. 그가 허구적인 캐릭터인 것은 알지만 실존하는 인물이라면 정말 좋을 것 같다. 그는 세상을 더 살기 좋은 곳으로 만들 수 있을 것 같다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

be an inspiration 영감

have a good heart 마음이 선하다

leadership skills 리더십 능력

bad guy 악역

fictional character 허구 인물

in real life 현실에서

a better place to live in 더 살기 좋은 곳

[Pattern Practice]

  1. have a good heart 마음이 선하다

■ He is also very good-looking and has a good heart.

■ He doesn’t seem like it, but he has a good heart.

■ I want to marry someone who has a good heart.

  1. leadership skills 리더십 능력

■ He also has great leadership skills.

■ Everyone needs leadership skills, regardless of their position.

■ Playing sports is a good way to learn leadership skills.

  1. in real life 현실에서

■ I think it would be great if he existed in real life.

■ He aggressive when he plays video games, but he’s a bit shy in real life.

■ That kind of thing would never happen in real life.


Talk about a superhero movie you watched recently.

최근에 본 슈퍼히어로 영화에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


I recently watched the sequel to the Avengers movie. It was the last installment of the Avengers series. Some of my favorite actors starred in the movie. The movie was about how the Avengers joined forces to defeat a powerful villain. I really liked the storyline of the movie, especially because there was a big twist at the end. The movie was packed with funny scenes. It cracked me up many times. I think it was a killer movie. In fact, the movie was a box-office hit in Korea.


최근에 <어벤져스> 속편을 봤다. 어벤져스 시리즈의 종결편이었다. 내가 가장 좋아하는 배우들이 주연 배우로 출연했다. 이 영화는 어벤져스가 다 같이 힘을 모아서 엄청난 힘을 지닌 악당을 물리치는 내용 이였다. 영화의 줄거리도 마음에 들었는데, 특히 마지막에 예기치 못한 대반전이 있었기 때문이다. 그 영화에는 웃긴 장면도 많아서, 영화를 보는 내내 크게 웃었다. 정말 대박 영화였던 것 같다. 사실 한국에서 흥행 성적이 매우 좋았다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

sequel to ~의 속편

the last installment 종결편

star in (주연으로) ~에 출연하다

join forces 힘을 합치다

big twist 대반전

be packed with ~으로 가득하다

crack someone up ~를 크게 웃게 하다

killer 끝내주는

box-office hit 흥행 대작

[Pattern Practice]

  1. be packed with ~으로 가득하다

■ The movie was packed with funny scenes.

■ Fruits are packed with healthy vitamins.

■ The flight was packed with travelers.

  1. crack someone up ~를 크게 웃게 하다

■ It cracked me up many times.

■ This book cracked me up when I first read it.

■ He always cracks me up, even when I am depressed.

  1. killer 끝내주는

■ I think it was a killer movie.

■ The new album contains a killer song.

■ That restaurant serves some killer desserts.

[Expression of the Day]

Stop nitpicking.

트집 좀 잡지 마.

A: Wow, what a great movie! I really love the main character.

B: I didn’t like it very much. It wasn’t realistic at all.

A: Stop nitpicking. It’s a superhero movie. What did you expect?

B: I guess you’re right. I just don’t like superhero movies in general.

A: 우와, 정말 끝내주는 영화네! 주인공이 진짜 좋아.

B: 나는 그렇게 좋진 않던데. 전혀 현실적이지 않잖아.

A: 트집 좀 잡지 마. 슈퍼히어로 영화잖아. 뭘 기대한 거야?

B: 네 말도 맞긴 해. 난 그냥 슈퍼히어로 영화가 별로야.

[Composition Practice]

  1. 부자인 것보다는 마음씨가 선한 것이 더 중요해. (have a good heart)

  2. 그는 재능은 많은데, 리더십이 부족해. (leadership skills)

  3. 이 영화는 볼 때마다 정말 웃겨. (crack someone up)

  4. 엘리스가 끝내주는 아이디어를 생각해 냈어. (killer)