06/03 입트영 - Burning Sun / 버닝썬 클럽 수사

[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

  1. How do you feel about the news coverage of the Burning Sun scandal?

  2. Why do you think there was so much social interest in the story?

  3. What are some other scandals you have read about in the news?


Talk about the investigation on the club Burning Sun.

버닝썬클럽 수사에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


There was a huge scandal involving a famous club recently. The police launched a full-scale investigation and cracked down on a club called Burning Sun. There were allegations of illegal drug trafficking and drug abuse at the club. There were also reports of sexual assault and sexual harassment. Plus, there were allegations of some police officers taking bribes from the club. Eventually, the club was shut down and many people went to jail.


최근 유명 클럽이 연루된 사회적으로 큰 물의를 빚은 사건이 있었다. 경찰이 버닝썬이라는 클럽에 대해서 대대적인 수사에 착수하고 단속에 나섰다.그 클럽에서 불법 마약 유통과 마약 투약에 대한 의혹이 있었다. 그 클럽에서 성폭행과 성추행이 있었다는 보도도 있었다. 그리고 일부 경찰관들은 그 클럽에서 뇌물을 받았다는 혐의를 받고 있다. 결국 그 클럽은 폐쇄되었고 많은 관련자들이 감옥에 갔다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

a huge scandal 큰 물의, 대형 스캔들

launch an investigation 수사에 착수하다

full-scale 대형, 본격적인

crack down on ~을 단속하다

allegation 혐의, 의혹

drug trafficking 마약 유통

drug abuse 마약/악물 남용

sexual assault 성폭행

sexual harassment 성추행

take bribes 뇌물을 받다

be shut down (강제로)폐쇄되다

go to jail 감옥에 가다

[Pattern Practice]

  1. a huge scandal 큰 물의, 대형 스캔들

■ There was a huge scandal involving a famous club recently,

■ It was a huge scandal, but many people have forgotten about it.

■ I was afraid it would turn into a huge scandal.

  1. crack down on ~ 을 단속하다

■ The police cracked down on a club called Burning Sun.

■ Police are cracking down on drunk drivers.

■ Our school is cracking down on cheating during exams.

  1. allegation 혐의, 의혹

■ There were allegations of illegal drug trafficking at the club.

■ The actor was disgraced by allegations of gambling.

■ Despite allegations of unfair trade, it’s a popular company.


Talk about the celebrities that were involved in the Burning Sun investigation.

버닝썬 클럽 수사에 연루된 연예인들에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


The investigation on the club Burning Sun got a lot of spotlight from the press, especially because some well-known celebs were involved. A top singer was implicated in the club’s management. Charges of tax evasion and embezzlement were brought to light. A group chatroom the singer was in threw oil on the fire. Hundreds of illegal sex videos were shared in that chatroom. The stars in the chatroom were all investigated by the police. Public outrage was made worse when the celebrities involved all denied the allegations in the initial stages of the investigation. It was quite disturbing and shocking.


버닝썬 클럽 수사가 특히 언론의 집중 조명을 받은 이유는 유명 연예인들이 연루되었기 때문이다. 클럽 운영에 탑 가수가 연루되었고, 탈세와 자금 횡령 혐의들이 속속 밝혀졌다. 사건을 더욱 크게 확대시킨 것은 그 가수가 들어가 있던 단체 채팅방이었다. 그곳에서 수많은 불법 촬영 성관계 영싱들이 공유되었다. 채팅방에 있는 연예인들이 전부 경찰의 수사를 받았다. 더욱 대중들의 공분을 산 것은 관련 연예인들이 처음에는 혐의를 모두 부인했다는 것이다. 이번 사건은 상당히 우려스럽고 충격적이었다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

get a lot of spotlight 집중 조명을 받다

the press 언론

well-known celeb 유명 연예인

be implicated in ~에 연루되다

charge of ~에 대한 혐의

tax evasion 탈세

embezzlement 자금 횡령

bring something to light ~을 밝히다, 폭로하다

throw oil on the fire 악화서키다

public outrage 사회적 공분

deny the allegations 혐의를 부인하다

in the initial stages of ~의 초기 단계에서

[Pattern Practice]

  1. well-known celeb 유명 연예인

■ Some well-known celebs were involved in the investigation.

■ A well-known celeb was sitting at the table next to ours.

■ He was a well-known celeb back in the’90s.

  1. bring something to light ~을 밝히다, 폭로하다

■ Illegal activities were brought to light.

■ The article brought to light a serious issue.

■ I hope every wrongdoing will eventually be brought to light.

  1. throw oil on the fire 악화시키다

■ A group chatroom the singer was in threw oil on the fire.

■ I told a joke to make them stop fighting, but it only threw oil on the fire.

■ He threw oil on the fire with his insensitive remarks.

[Expression of the Day]

What a shame.

정말 안타깝다.

A: How can you listen to this song? Didn’t you hear about this singer?

B: No. I haven’t read the news recently. Why, what happened?

A: He’s involved in a huge scandal. They say he’s done some terrible things.

B: What a shame. I really like his music, but maybe I shouldn’t any more.

A: 어떻게 이 노래를 들을 수가 있어? 이 가수 얘기 못 들었어?

B: 응, 촤근에 뉴스를 안 봐서. 왜, 무슨 일 있었어?

A: 엄청난 스캔들에 연루됐어. 정말 악질스러운 일들을 했대.

B: 정말 안타깝다. 음악은 진짜 좋은데, 그만 들어야 할 수도 있겠네.

[Composition Practice]

  1. 시에서 쓰레기 무단 투기를 단속하고 있다. (crack down on)

  2. 오늘 신문에서 엄청난 스캔들에 대해 읽었어. (a huge scandal)

  3. 용감한 기자 덕분에 그 사건이 폭로되었다, (bring something to light)

  4. 그가 말만 하면 상황이 악화와는 것 같다. (throw oil on the fire)