05/29 입트영 - Beaches / 해변

[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

  1. Do you prefer beaches or mountains? Explain your preference.

  2. Why do you think so many people go to the beach during the summer?

  3. Share some tips you have for having a good time at the beach.


Talk about what you do when you go to beaches.

바닷가에 가면 무엇을 하는지 이야기해 주세요.


I do lots of things when I go to beaches. During the day, I swim in the ocean and enjoy the waves. Sometimes, I get a tan on the beach. I also take walks along the beach, It feels great to breathe in the fresh air. I usually have seafood like fish or shrimp for dinner. Sometimes I grill meat and seafood on the grill. At night, I often have a few drinks with my friends.


나는 바닷가에 가면 다양한 것을 한다. 낮에는 바닷물에 들어가서 수영도 하고 파도도 탄다. 해변에서 선탠을 할 때도 있다. 바닷가를 산책할 때도 있는데, 맑은 공기를 들이마시면 가분이 좋아진다. 저녁 식사는 주로 생선이나 새우 갈은 해산물을 먹는다. 가끔은 고기와 해산물을 불판에 굽기도 한다. 밤에는 친구들과 술을 한잔하는 경우가 많다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

enjoy the waves 파도를 타다

get a tan 선탠을 하다

along the beach 해변을 따라

breathe in 들이쉬다

grill something ~을 굽다

grill 불판

have a drink / have a few drinks 한잔하다, 술을 마시다

[Pattern Practice]

  1. get a tan 선탠을 하다

■ Sometimes, I get a tan on the beach.

■ I wanted to get a tan, but it was cloudy.

■ Be sure to put on sunscreen before you get a tan.

  1. grill something ~을 굽다

■ Sometimes I grill meat and seafood.

■ My girlfriend doesn’t like raw fish, so I grilled it.

■ I like to put olive oil on meat before I grill it.

  1. have a drink / have a few drinks 한잔하다, 술을 마시다

■ At night, I often have a few drinks with my friends.

■ It was Friday, so we went to have a few drinks.

■ If you have had a drink, you shouldn’t drive.


Talk about the last time you went to a beach.

마지막으로 해변에 갔던 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


Last year, I went to the beach with my family. We went to a beach on the east coast of Korea. We stayed at a beachside cabin that had a great view of the ocean. The weather was a bit nippy, so we didn’t go in the water. We just dipped our feet in the water. For lunch, we had raw fish and shrimp at a local restaurant. At dinner, we had drinks with our meal. We also set off firecrackers on the beach. We stayed up all night talking and enjoying some family time.


작년에 가족들과 바닷가에 놀러 갔다. 한국의 동해안에 있는 해수욕장으로 갔다. 해변의 전망이 멋진 바닷가 펜션에 묵었다. 날씨가 조금 쌀쌀해서 바닷물에 들어가자는 않고 발만 담그고 놀았다. 점심으로는 현지 음식점에서 생선회와 새우릍 먹었다. 저녁 때는 식사를 하며 술을 마셨다. 밤에는 해변에서 폭죽놀이도 했다. 밤늦게까지 가족들과 이야기하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

on the east coast 동해안에

cabin 팬션

have a great view of ~전망이 좋다

a bit nippy 쌀쌀한

go in the water 물속에 들어가다

dip one’s feet 발을 담그다

raw fish 생선회

local restaurant 현지 음식점

set off firecrackers 폭죽놀이를 하다

stay up all night 밤을 새우다

family time 가족들과의 시간

[Pattern Practice]

  1. have a great view of ~전망이 좋다

■ We stayed at a cabin that had a great view of the ocean.

■ The restaurant has a great view of the city.

■ The cafe we went to had a great view of the lake.

  1. stay up all night 밤을 새우다

■ We stayed up all night talking.

■ I had to stay up all night to finish the report.

■ Some people stay up all night to buy the phone on the first day.

  1. family time 가족들과의 시간

■ We enjoyed some family time.

■ During the holidays, it’s nice to have some family time.

■ Family time is rare these days because everyone is busy.

[Expression of the Day]

I’m spent.

난 너무 피곤해.

A: Do you want to go watch a movie tonight? I’ll pay for the tickets.

B: Thanks, but I need to go home and rest. I’m spent.

A: Why are you so tired? Did you have a lot of work to do?

B: I went to the beach yesterday with my friends. We partied all night.

A: 오늘 저녁 때 영화 보러 갈래? 표 값은 내가 낼게.

B: 고맙긴 한데, 난 집에 가서 쉬어야겠어. 너무 피곤해.

A: 왜 그렇게 피곤한데? 할 일이 아주 많았나 봐?

B: 어제 친구들이랑 바닷가에 다녀왔거든. 밤새도록 파티하며 놀았어.

[Composition Practice]

  1. 겨울에는 선탠을 할 수 있는 곳으로 여행하는 것을 좋아한다. (get a tan)

  2. 고기 굽기 전에 소금 좀 뿌려. (grill something)

  3. 밤을 새우기 위해 커파를 많이 마셨다. (stay up all night)

  4. 가족과 함께 보내는 시간은 정말 소중하다. (family time)