05/17 입트영 - Theme Parks / 놀이공원

[Extra Topics for Study Groups]

  1. Do you think theme parks are just for kids? Why or why not?

  2. What are your favorite things to do at a theme park?

  3. If you could design a theme park, describe what it would be like.


Talk about major amusement parks in Korea.

한국의 주요 놀이공원들에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


There are amusement parks in most areas of Korea. There are three large-scale amusement parks in Seoul and its surrounding areas. One is a cultural complex in a downtown area. It’s connected to a department store, a theater, hotels, and a skyscraper. The park has both indoor and outdoor facilities. It always gets crowded on weekends. The other two major parks are just outside of Seoul. They are a hit with kids. They are also popular as date locations for couples.


한국에는 대부분의 지역에 놀이공원이 있다. 서울과 인근 지역에 초대형 놀이공원이 세 군데 있다. 한 곳은 도심 한혹판에 있어서 백화점, 영화관, 호텔, 초고층 건물과 연결되어 있는 복합 문화 시설이다. 놀이공원도 실내 시설과 야외 시설을 모두 갖추고 있어서, 주말에는 항상 많은 인파가 찾는다. 다른 두 곳은 서울 근교에 있다. 아이들이 정말 좋아하는 곳이고. 연인들의 데이트 장소로도 인기가 많다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

large-scale 대형

surrounding areas 인근 지역

cultural complex 복합 문화 시설

downtown area 도심 지역

indoor/outdoor facilities 실내/실외 시설

get crowded 붐비다

just outside 근교에, 바로 바깥에

a hit with ~에게 인기 있는 것

date location 데이트 장소

[Pattern Practice]

  1. downtown area 도심 지역

■ There is an amusement park in a downtown area.

■ You can take the subway to get to downtown areas.

■ Houses in the downtown area are much more expensive.

  1. get crowded 붐비다

■ It always gets crowded on weekends.

■ The subway gets crowded in the morning.

■ Health clubs get crowded at the beginning of the year.

  1. a hit with ~에게 인기 았는 것

■ Amusement parks are a hit with kids,

■ The movie was a hit with fans of the original novel.

■ The product should be a hit with parents of little kids.


Talk about when you went to a theme park when you were a child.

어릴 적 놀이공원에 갔던 경험에 대해 이야기해 주세요.


I remember jumping up and down in excitement when I went to theme parks as a kid. I’ll never forget the sense of anticipation I felt when we got our tickets. Once inside, I went on a lot of rides. I remember rides that moved at breakneck speed, and also the bumper cars. Some facilities were such big draws that I had to stand in line for a long time. I also remember eating street food like cotton candy as a snack.


어렸을 때 놀이공원에 가는 날은 정말 좋아서 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰었던 기억이 난다. 놀이공원에서 표를 끊을 때 느꼈던 설레는 감정을 절대 잊을 수 없다. 입장을 해서는 많은 놀이기구를 탔다. 빠르게 움직이는 놀이기구도 타고 범퍼카도 탔던 기억이 난다. 일부 이용 시설들은 인기가 많아서 한참 동안 줄을 서서 기다려야 했다. 그리고 간식으로 솜사탕 같은 길거리 음식을 사 먹었던 기억도 있다.

[Key Vocabulary & Expressions]

jump up and down 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰다

sense of anticipation 기대감, 설렘

go on a ride 놀이기구를 타다

at breakneck speed 빠른 속도로

big draw 인기 있는것

stand in line 줄을 서다

street food 길거리 음식

as a snack 간식으로

[Pattern Practice]

  1. sense of anticipation 기대감, 설렘

■ I’ll never forget the sense of anticipation I felt when we got our tickets.

■ I always feel a sense of anticipation at the beginning of the year.

■ She was filled with a sense of anticipation before her blind date.

  1. at breakneck speed 빠른 속도로

■ I remember rides that moved at breakneck speed.

■ Trains in Korea move at breakneck speed.

■ Korea developed at breakneck speed.

  1. stand in line 줄을 서다

■ I had to stand in line for a long time.

■ It’s not so good that I would stand in line.

■ We arrived early, but many people were already standing in line.

[Expression of the Day]

Loosen up a little.

기분 좀 풀어 봐.

A: Why do you look so upset? We’re here to have fun.

B: I didn’t want to come. Amusement parks are for kids.

A: Loosen up a little. Everyone is having a good time, except for you.

B: I suppose some of the rides might be fun, Let’s ride that rollercoaster.

A: 왜 그렇게 언짢아 보여? 우리 즐기려고 온 거잖아.

B: 난 오기 싫었어. 놀이공원은 애들이나 가는 곳이라고.

A: 기분 좀 풀어 봐. 너만 빼고 다들 즐기고 있잖아.

B: 하긴 놀이기구 중에 재미있는 것도 있겠다. 저 롤러코스터 한번 타자.

[Composition Practice]

  1. 인파가 몰리기 전에 거기에 도착하고 싶어. (get crowded)

  2. 그 새로 나온 앱은 대학생들에게 인기가 있다. (a hit with)

  3. 제시간에 끝마치기 위해 우리는 빠른 속도로 일했다. (at breakneck speed)

  4. 줄을 서 있는 동안 휴대폰을 가지고 놀았다. (stand in line)